'The Answer'

The Earth currently spins on its axis once every 24 hours, or every 23.934 hours to be more precise. The gravity at the Earths equator is also roughly the same as it is at the Earths north and south poles. If however the Earth revolved in half the time, say 12 hours, then the gravity at the equator would be approximately half of what it would be at the poles. As gravity reaches near zero at the equator, the Earth would need to revolve about once about 7 hours.

This is not uncommon at all for a planetary mass, and many of the planets in our solar system spin at this rate. It is purely an indication of how long they have been shrinking and spinning in space, obeying the principles of CAM.

We can also calculate the size and mass of the missing SIAL that flew off into space. If you measure the average depth from the Earths surface down to the molten asthenosphere, it measures approximately 37 miles down. If you multiply this by the three fourths of the missing surface area you end up with a total mass that is approximately 1/50th the size of our planet.

So are there any floating bodies in space that match this dimension of 1/50th the size of Earth?

There is just one…

By staggering coincidence, or “not”, the volume of the moon is exactly 1/50th that of Earth. Yes that’s right, the missing SIAL from Earth flew off into space and formed our very own moon.

If this single fact isn’t enough, there is yet more evidence…

The principle of the Conservation of Angular Momentum states that even if a portion of the body separates and flies off, all of the angular momentum will “always” be conserved.

If you calculate the total angular momentum of Earth today, and that of the moon, and then add them together, you will find that the sum is exactly equal to that of a spinning mass the size of Earth rotating at a speed of 7 hours per revolution.

This crucial piece of evidence proves that Earth could not have been knocked off its axis by a large asteroid, or forced over on its side by volcanic explosions. If there had been an impact with a roaming asteroid, then the angular momentum from the asteroid would have also been transferred to the Earth or moon.

Since the total angular momentum of the present day earth and moon is exactly equal to the angular momentum of an oblate earth spinning rapidly at close to zero gravity, like our Earth 65 million years ago, then no other body could have possibly been involved in the process.

For those people still thinking this is wildly contrived, this is precisely how almost all of the moons in our solar system are formed around the planets they orbit. It is the natural process of planetary aging.

As a planet cools it spins faster and faster until it becomes unstable and ejects a moon which stabilises itself. This process can happen several times over in larger planets. They eject a moon, stabilise slightly, then continue to shrink and rotate faster until they release another moon, and so on.

Further mathematical evidence involves the observation of the Inverse Bode's Law. The Inverse Law shows that the spacing of each of the planets from the most outward one to the inward one is about 62 percent of the distance of the next outer planet. The Inverse Bode's Law also holds true for the major moons of the solar system, including the formation of asteroid systems.

Other smaller irregular moons give away the fact that they are randomly captured masses from space by the very fact that they don't follow these laws; they are typically very tiny and usually rotate out of the plane of the ecliptic, even rotating backwards sometimes.

Still want more evidence?

On July 20th 1969 man landed on the moon for the first time. The Apollo 11 mission brought back to earth 21.7 kilograms of rocks samples from the moons surface. Over the years extensive studies on these rocks, and rocks from the subsequent missions, have provided us with insight as to what material the moon is comprised of.

The answer…

Well surprise, surprise, its made out of exactly the same material as earth: Silicon, oxygen, aluminium, the same as the Earth's mantle. The composition of the rocks on the moon are that they are volcanic in origin. The rocks are basalts, the same kind of volcanic rock found on Earth. The lunar basalts are rich in iron and magnesium, and they also contain glassy structures that are indicative of rapid cooling. You could say, almost as if they had been suddenly plunged into the cold of space (wink, wink).

In fact the only difference between samples from Earth and samples from the moon is the distinct lack of water in any of the moon samples. When three fourths of the earth flew off into space, three fourths of the water, trees and animals went with it. However with no atmosphere the water quickly evaporated into space, and life immediately died leaving behind only the rock itself orbiting our planet in space, but evidence of rivers, deltas and oceans are still evident on the moons surface today and even the landing site of Apollo 11 itself is named “The Sea Of Tranquillity”.

So what happened to the rest of Earth after three fourths of its surface flew off into space? Well for those animals and plants living around the equator, they would have gone from a near zero gravity environment, to one much closer to that of present day.

In the zero gravity environment, the huge 60 ton dinosaurs could strut around comfortably, and the giant 5 foot dragonflies like the Meganeura depicted earlier, could fly through the air as easily as a butterfly.

In the new heavier gravity environment, these creatures were simply crushed by their own body weight. Only the smaller and lighter mammals and reptiles survived to re-populate the earth. That’s why no such large creatures exist today; our present day gravity and environment would simply not support such a creature's existence.

This also explains why only the large creatures where effected at the KT event. The largest of today’s land creatures are elephants weighing in at 6 tons, and our dragonfly friend, well even the very largest dragon flies today measure a poultry 5 inches.

When archaeologists and scientists first started piecing together the bones of dinosaurs, they assumed that the enormous tails of Sauropods like the Diplodocus and Brontosaurus were dragged along the ground behind them, or supported in large bodies of water. However modern opinion and evidence suggest that these “land” based creatures held their tails aloft, using them as a counterbalance to the rest of their huge frame; Even being able to crack them like an enormous whip. Fossilised footprints of these large creatures very rarely show tail tracks also supporting the modern day counterbalance theory.

So there you have it. The real reason why Dinosaurs became extinct, how they managed to become so huge, and what happened to our planet 65 million years ago that brought about so many global and environmental changes. At the very least “It's Always An Alternative Answer”.

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